
The focus of ConvTek services is to:

  • Convert the production version of VSE JCL streams, programs code, and files to z/OS, and
  • Migrate those application components from VSE to z/OS operations.

In some cases, ConvTek services can be extended to automate-able application re-engineering.

Task 01 – Project Management

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Review the SOW with the designated [IBM and] Customer contacts
  • Maintain project communications through the designated [IBM and] Customer contacts
  • Review any project changes with the designated [IBM and] Customer contacts
  • Coordinate and manage the activities of ConvTek project personnel
  • Track progress of ConvTek project responsibilities
  • Evaluate progress of ConvTek responsibilities against work plan and schedule
  • Report weekly on progress and status of ConvTek project responsibilities
  • [With IBM,] update monthly the Project Plan with percentage of completion and reached milestones
  • [In conjunction with IBM,] administer project change control

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon [IBM and/or] Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Provide project management and coordination services for overall z/OS migration, including infrastructure, application conversion and migration, retraining, etc.
  • Consolidate weekly progress and status reporting from all parties
  • With ConvTek, update monthly the Project Plan with percentage of completion and reached milestones

ConvTek responsibility is also dependent upon [IBM and] Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Review the SOW with the designated contacts
  • Maintain project communications through the designated contacts
  • Review any project changes with the designated contacts
  • Coordinate and manage the activities of their respective project personnel
  • Track progress of their respective project responsibilities
  • Evaluate progress of their respective project responsibilities against work plan and schedule
  • Report weekly on progress and status of their respective project responsibilities

Completion Criteria: This is an on-going task that will be completed when the remaining tasks have been completed or the services Completion Criteria in this Statement of Work has been met.

Deliverables: Weekly Progress Reports

Task 02 – Project Planning

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Develop the application conversion and migration plan
  • Identify key dependencies with overall migration plan including z/OS infrastructure, z/OS operations and applications support tools, z/OS retraining, etc.
  • Review Customer regression test plan
  • Develop initial draft of switchover plan

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon [IBM and] Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Review and finalize the application conversion and migration plan
  • Coordinate with z/OS infrastructure and retraining plans
  • Review regression test plan
  • Finalize switchover plan

ConvTek responsibility is also dependent upon Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Develop regression test plan

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has provided to [IBM and] Customer the Application Conversion Work Plan and Initial Switchover Plan.


  • Application Conversion Work Plan
  • Initial Switchover Plan

Task 03 – Project Orientation

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Provide project orientation (i.e., education and direction) to Customer and IBM:
    • At project start
    • In preparation for testing phase
    • In preparation for switchover

ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon [IBM and] Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Attend ConvTek-provided project orientation (i.e., education and direction):
    • At project start
    • In preparation for testing phase
    • In preparation for switchover

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has conducted the orientation sessions.

Deliverables: Presentation slides used during orientation sessions

Task 04 – Project Tools and System Resources

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Provide customize-able VSE to z/OS Conversion Tools
  • Install Conversion Tools and related conversion environment (input and output conversion libraries, customization libraries, etc.) on ConvTek-provided z/OS resources until Customer z/OS resources become available
  • Migrate Conversion Tools and related conversion environment to Customer z/OS resources once available

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon Customer and IBM accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Provide z/OS infrastructure for the conversion and target (production and development) environments: vendor product selection, ordering, installation, tailoring, etc.
  • Provide remote access to Customer z/OS and VSE resources for ConvTek staff
  • Provide furnished office space with 3270 terminal or PC, phone, storage, Internet connection, LAN connection, etc. to ConvTek staff while onsite

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has completed the conversion of the large-occurrence automate-able conversion requirements.

Deliverables: none.

Task 05 – Application Inventory

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • With Customer and IBM, define number and format of application inventory transfer files
  • Develop z/OS side of application inventory transfer process
  • Receive and load the application inventory into the conversion libraries
  • Identify application inventory inconsistencies: duplicates, missing, and unreferenced items
  • Repeat supply of entire application inventory every three weeks until stable (1)
  • Pass application inventory transfer process to IBM (i.e. “supply) once stable (1)

(1)   Stability of inventory transfer process is expected by completion of sample regression tests

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon Customer and IBM accomplishing the following tasks:

  • With ConvTek, define number and format of application inventory transfer files
  • Develop VSE side of application inventory transfer process
  • Determine and supply the VSE application inventory (programs, copybooks, JCL streams, SLI, etc.) to ConvTek
  • Resolve application inventory       inconsistencies: duplicates, missing, and unreferenced items

ConvTek responsibility is also dependent upon IBM accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Take application inventory transfer process (i.e. “supply) over from ConvTek once stable
  • Repeat supply of entire application inventory every three weeks once inventory transfer process is stable and until switchover

Completion Criteria:

  • ConvTek has delivered the Application Inventory Validation Reports to [IBM and] Customer
  • ConvTek has provided instructions for running the inventory transfer process to IBM

Deliverables: Application Inventory Validation Reports

Task 06 – z/OS Standards and Naming Conventions

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Recommend best practices for target z/OS production environment:
    • Vendor products for z/OS production environment and to replace VSE vendor products
    • DFSMS and DFHSM implementation
    • Structure of z/OS JCL job streams
    • Standards and naming conventions

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon [IBM and] Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Review and finalize z/OS production environment best practices recommended by ConvTek:
    • Vendor products for z/OS production environment and to replace VSE vendor products
    • DFSMS and DFHSM implementation
    • Structure of z/OS JCL job streams
    • Standards and naming conventions

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has provided z/OS best practices recommendation and consulting to Customer and IBM

Deliverables: z/OS best practices recommendation handouts

Task 07 – Conversion Specifications

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Develop detailed specifications for:
    • Conversion of VSE COBOL programs and copybooks to z/OS
    • Upgrade of DOS/VS COBOL code to latest compiler level
    • Conversion of VSE Assembler code to z/OS
    • Compilation and linkedit of converted code
    • Conversion of VSE JCL job streams and SLI to z/OS JCL job streams

o    Generation of VSE and z/OS jobs to migrate VSE non-DB files (VSAM and sequential) to z/OS non-DB (VSAM and sequential) files

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon [IBM and] Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Optionally, organize the conversion specifications input (Collection of notes, verbal communication, emails, and shorts memos) into a formal conversion specifications document
  • Review, understand, and approve detailed specifications for:
    • Converting VSE COBOL programs and copybooks to z/OS
    • Upgrading COBOL code to latest compiler level
    • Converting VSE Assembler code to z/OS
    • Compiling and link editing the converted code
    • Converting VSE JCL job streams and SLI to z/OS JCL job streams
    • Generating VSE and z/OS jobs to migrate VSE non-DB files (VSAM and sequential) to z/OS non-DB (VSAM and sequential) files
  • Develop specifications for migrating VSE databases to z/OS

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has delivered the Conversion Specifications input (a collection of notes, verbal communication, emails, and short memos) to [IBM and] Customer.

Deliverables: Conversion specifications notes, emails and memos

Task 08 – Conversion Tools Customization and Development

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Customize conversion tools to Customer’s conversion requirements for:
    • Converting VSE COBOL programs and copybooks to z/OS
    • Upgrading VS COBOL code to latest compiler level
    • Converting VSE Assembler code to z/OS
    • Compiling and link editing the converted code
    • Converting VSE JCL job streams and SLI to z/OS JCL job streams
    • Generating VSE and z/OS jobs to migrate VSE non-DB files (VSAM and sequential) to z/OS non-DB (VSAM and sequential) files

Dependencies: none

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has customized the Conversion Tools to handle large-occurrence automate-able conversion requirements.

Deliverables: none.

Task 09 – Automated Mass Conversions

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Develop mass automated conversion process
  • Run mass automated conversion process until stable, including:
    • Convert VSE COBOL programs and copybooks to z/OS
    • Upgrade COBOL code to latest compiler level
    • Convert VSE Assembler code to z/OS
    • Compile and linkedit the converted code
    • Convert VSE JCL job streams and SLI to z/OS JCL job streams
    • Generate VSE and z/OS jobs to migrate VSE non-DB files (VSAM and sequential) to z/OS non-DB (VSAM and sequential) files
  • Pass mass automated conversion process to [IBM or] Customer once stable

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon [IBM or] Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Take over mass automated conversion process from ConvTek once stable
  • Run mass automated conversion process until switchover

ConvTek responsibility is also dependent upon Customer [and IBM] accomplishing the following tasks:

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has delivered the Deliverables listed below to Customer [and IBM].


  • z/OS version of JCL job streams, programs, and copybooks
  • z/OS load-modules resulting from compilation of converted programs
  • File transfer jobs: VSE and z/OS jobs to migrate VSE production files to z/OS

Task 10 – VSE Positioning

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Identify VSE positioning requirements to Customer

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Review and understand VSE positioning requirements identified by ConvTek
  • Implement VSE positioning

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has delivered the VSE positioning requirements to Customer.

Deliverables: Emails or short notes describing the VSE positioning requirements

Task 11 – Manual Conversion

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Develop specifications for conversion of programs that submit jobs, and pass implementation over to Customer
  • Identify AMEND requirements and pass over to Customer for implementation (AMEND is a technique that allows recording one-time manual modifications into the automated mass conversion process: it is used to handle exceptions to the automated mass conversion process)
  • Identify other z/OS manual conversion requirements, if applicable, and pass over to Customer for implementation (REXX, etc.)

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Review and understand ConvTek-developed specifications for conversion of programs that submit jobs
  • Manually convert programs that submit jobs based on ConvTek-developed specifications
  • Review and understand ConvTek-identified AMEND requirements (AMEND is a technique that allows recording one-time manual modifications into the automated mass conversion process: it is used to handle exceptions to the automated mass conversion process)
  • Develop required AMEND
  • Review and understand other ConvTek-identified z/OS manual conversion requirements
  • Implement other z/OS manual conversion requirements based on ConvTek-developed specifications (REXX, etc.)
  • Develop process (VSE and z/OS jobs) for migrating VSE databases to z/OS.

ConvTek responsibility is also dependent upon Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Review and understand ConvTek-developed specifications for conversion of programs that submit jobs
  • Review and understand other ConvTek-identified z/OS manual conversion requirements

Completion Criteria:

  • ConvTek has delivered the AMEND requirements to Customer
  • ConvTek has delivered other z/OS manual conversion requirements to Customer, if applicable


  • Emails or short notes describing the AMEND requirements
  • Emails or short notes describing other z/OS manual conversion requirements, if applicable

Task 12 – Application Interfaces

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Assist Customer with review of any existing application interfaces, both current (VSE) and future (z/OS): FTP and emails, MQ, external tapes sent to or received from outside organizations, VIASERV, remotely-submitted jobs, data entry products, etc.
  • Convert JCL related to FTP and emails from VSE to z/OS
  • Convert remotely-submitted VSE JCL
  • Carry-over to z/OS JCL the VSE special requirements for external tapes and data entry products

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has converted Customer-supplied remotely submitted JCL.

Deliverables: z/OS version of remotely-submitted JCL streams

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon Customer and/or IBM accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Identify existing application interfaces including but not limited to FTP and emails, MQ, external tapes sent to or received from outside organizations, VIASERV, remotely-submitted jobs, data entry products, etc.
  • Provide understanding of application interfaces, and target z/OS environment for those interfaces
  • Assist ConvTek with development of conversion specifications for FTP and emails
  • Supply remotely-submitted JCL to ConvTek for conversion
  • Provide an approach to isolate regression testing of the conversion interface from actual VSE production, for example to prevent test z/OS versions of FTP, emails, MQ, etc. from being mixed-up and confused with actual VSE production FTP, emails, MQ, etc.
  • Install and test the converted interfaces for FTP and emails, MQ, external tapes sent to or received from outside organizations, VIASERV, remotely-submitted jobs, data entry products, etc.

Task 13 – Operations and System Products Setup

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Generate procedures to populate the z/OS catalog: dataset cataloging and GDG definitions
  • Develop solution to migrate active tape files (files directly referenced by converted jobs)
  • Recommend solution for migrating archive tape files (files not directly referenced by converted jobs)
  • Isolate report management attributes from JCL into a flat file that Customer can use to populate the z/OS report manager, and/or carry them over to the z/OS JCL with adequate conversion, as applicable
  • Provide [IBM and] Customer with details of the procedure (compilation options) used for mass compilation and link-edit of the converted code for z/OS source manager setup

Completion Criteria: This task will be considered complete when ConvTek has provided [IBM and] Customer with the details of the procedure used for mass compilation and link-edit of the converted code.

Deliverables: none

Dependencies: CONVTEK responsibility is dependent upon Customer [and IBM] accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Setup the security system, CICS applications, and network
  • Setup the system managed storage (DFSMS/DFHSM) environment
  • Setup and populate the z/OS catalog using procedures generated by ConvTek
  • Setup, tailor, and populate the z/OS tape manager, if applicable
  • Migrate active tape files
  • Setup, tailor, and populate the z/OS job scheduler with job scheduling rules, and deploy the z/OS job scheduler for testing of converted applications (Task 15)
  • Setup, tailor, and populate the z/OS report manager, if applicable
  • Setup and tailor the automated console, if applicable
  • Carry-over the compilation procedure (compilation options) used for mass compilation of the converted code to the z/OS source manager compilation procedure

Task 14 – Online Application Testing

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Generate file transfer jobs
  • Support initial file transfer runs until stable
  • Correct conversion defects identified during Installation Acceptance Testing (IAT) (1)
  • Support Customer [and IBM], and correct conversion defects identified during testing of an application sample, also referred to as Conversion Acceptance Testing (CAT) (1)
  • Correct conversion defects identified during Application Acceptance Testing (AAT) (1)
  • Correct conversion defects identified during User Acceptance Testing (UAT) (1)
  • Correct conversion defects identified during Production Acceptance Testing (PAT) (1)
  • Correct conversion defects identified during Stress and Connectivity Testing (SCT) (1)

(1) Corrections may involve temporary by-passes

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Run database transfer jobs
  • Run file transfer jobs
  • Perform Installation Verification Testing (IVT)
  • Test an application sample for Conversion Acceptance Testing (CAT)
  • Perform Application Acceptance Testing (AAT)
  • Perform User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Perform Production Acceptance Testing (PAT)
  • Perform Stress and Connectivity Testing (SCT)

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has provided permanent solutions, either automated or manual, to the application conversion defects identified during regression testing

Deliverables: none

Task 15 – Batch Application Testing

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Generate VSE and z/OS file transfer jobs
  • Support initial file transfer runs until stable
  • Correct conversion defects identified during testing of an application sample, also referred to as Conversion Acceptance Testing (CAT) (1)
  • Correct conversion defects identified during Application Acceptance Testing (AAT) (1)
  • Correct conversion defects identified during User Acceptance Testing (UAT) (1)
  • Correct conversion defects identified during Production Acceptance Testing (PAT) (1)
  • Correct conversion defects identified during EDI (FTP, MQ, etc.) and Print Acceptance Testing (EPAT) (1)

(1) Corrections may involve temporary by-passes

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon IBM accomplishing the following tasks:

  • With Customer, run database transfer jobs
  • With Customer, run file transfer jobs
  • Participate with Customer in testing of an application sample, also referred to as Conversion Acceptance Testing (CAT)
  • Participate with Customer in Application Acceptance Testing (AAT)
  • Participate with Customer in User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Participate with Customer in Production Acceptance Testing (PAT)
  • Participate with Customer in EDI (FTP, MQ, etc.) and Print Acceptance Testing (EPAT)

ConvTek responsibility is also dependent upon Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • [With IBM], run database transfer jobs
  • [With IBM], run file transfer jobs
  • Testing an application sample for Conversion Acceptance Testing (CAT)
  • Perform Application Acceptance Testing (AAT)
  • Perform User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Perform Production Acceptance Testing (PAT)
  • Perform EDI (FTP, MQ, etc.) and Print Acceptance Testing (EPAT)

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has provided permanent solutions, either automated or manual, to the application conversion defects identified during regression testing

Deliverables: none

Task 16 – Application Switchover

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Support Customer [and IBM] with preparation and implementation of switchover rehearsals
  • Support Customer [and IBM] with preparation and implementation of actual switchover

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon [IBM and] Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • Prepare and implement switchover rehearsals
  • Prepare and implement actual switchover

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has provided permanent solutions, either automated or manual, to the application conversion defects identified during:

  • Switchover preparation
  • Switchover implementation

Deliverables: none

Task 17 – Post-Switchover Support

Description: For this task, which is described in detail in “Tasks”, ConvTek has the following responsibility:

  • Correct conversion defects identified during post-switchover z/OS operations (1)

(1) Corrections may involve temporary by-passes

Dependencies: ConvTek responsibility is dependent upon [IBM and] Customer accomplishing the following tasks:

  • With Customer, support post-switchover z/OS operations

Completion Criteria: ConvTek has provided permanent solutions, either automated or manual, to the application conversion defects identified during first 30 days of post-switchover z/OS operations.

Deliverables: none